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Career Technical Education

Mission Statement

CTE prepares students for career pathways in the global marketplace by offering experiential learning, post-secondary credits and industry certifications. Students will gain technical and high-level academic skills, equipping them to be lifelong learners.

FFA students at the Sonoma County Fair pose with a prize pig.
Picture of students with wooden stools
Several students in a lab arrange flowers into beautiful arrangements.
A handful of manufacturing students work on differing tasks across the workshop.
Two woodshop students in safety goggles begin constructing a birdhouse.
A student operating a band saw in a workshop, wearing safety glasses and a long-sleeved shirt. The background includes tools and equipment, with industrial-style lighting overhead.
An auto shop student in safety goggles works on a tire.
Two horticulture students examine grapes in a vineyard row.

"He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” 

― Francis of Assisi

Department Members

Lisa Piehl

Piehl, Lisa 

Department Chair  


  • Floral 1
  • Floral 2
Jessica Fruiht

Fruiht, Jessica  


  • Ag Bio
  • Farm to Table
  • Food Science
McDonough, Kaitlyn

McDonough, Kaitlyn


  • Ag Earth
  • Ag Biology
  • Ag Chemistry
  • Vet Science
O'Donnell, Matthew

O'Donnell, Matthew  


  • Woodshop
Reynolds, Joe

Reynolds, Joe 

  • Manufacturing
Utsey, Mitchell

Utsey, Mitchell  


  • Auto
  • Woodshop