College and Career Center
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The College Career Center will be both in person and virtual.
Email Ms. Batchelder for the code to join the College Career Center Google Classroom. Make sure you include your grade level. There are many useful resources on the Google Classroom.
Do you have college and/or career questions? You can stop by the College Career Center before or after classes or you can schedule an in-person meeting or a Zoom meeting by using the following links:
Or email Ms. Batchelder at
Parents - you can schedule a meeting with Ms. Batchelder using this link:
The College and Career Center is a valuable resource center:
- 2 and 4-year college information
- Financial aid and scholarship information (FAFSA and California Dream Act)
- Careers in the military resources
- Career Technical Education resources
- SRJC resources
- Arts and Design college information
- Summer job and internship information
- SAT/ACT information
A meeting venue and social hub:
- College nights
- College admission representative visits
- Military representative visits
- Workshops for students (college applications, financial aid, etc.)
- Work-based learning activities
- Classroom visits for college and career exploration
- Gathering place for break and lunch
College and Career Readiness Links:
- SRCS College Career Readiness Guide
- Milestones Sheet - SRCS College and Career Counselors created a Milestones guideline sheet with suggestions for students at each grade level. The following are detailed checklists for each grade level.
College Career Counselor
Tracy Batchelder Appointments Introduction Video
Phone (707) 890-3850 x52123
Tracy is originally from Santa Barbara, CA and has lived in Sonoma County since 2005. She has a B.A. in Political Science from UC Berkeley, a master’s degree in Environmental Management from Duke University, and recently graduated with her Master’s in School Counseling from Sonoma State University. She spent several years working in environmental conservation on the east coast and in Costa Rica and also lived in Mexico for five years while raising a family. She has three children, one of which graduated from SRHS in 2016. She enjoys working with high school students and helping them to define and pursue their educational and career paths.
Resources are seasonal and regularly updated.
CCC programs are developed with the aim of reaching as many students as possible, and to reflect the diverse nature of our community and myriad post-secondary options. The resources and events offered through the SRHS CCC are thoughtfully planned to promote exploration and to reassure students that there is no “one right way” to design their post-secondary plan. We strive to empower students to conduct research, and to take ownership of their post-secondary planning.