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Career Planning

High school is a time when students begin or continue the exploration phase of career development. Career days, field trips, guest speakers, and class research projects are just a few examples of early career exposure. Now in high school, greater focused career exploration begins as expanded opportunities become available for students to "try on" skills and talents: 

  • Volunteering
  • Part-time work
  • Job shadowing
  • Club, musical, and athletic participation
  • Actively seeking out academic classes (high school and college through dual enrollment) that align to future career goals or curiosity
  • Internships and summer programs

In addition to engaging actively in hands-on learning and skill-building, self-awareness and research are the key to uncovering potential career paths:

  • Career Assessments help students answer questions about their interests, talents, goals and strengths and receive personalized reports with possible "good fit" career paths. Assessments can help start a conversation about how high school can propel students into post-secondary training that supports individual goals.
  • Informational interviewing allows students to take on the role of interviewer by reaching out to professionals in various field and asking questions about their profession.
  • Career Fairs are typically a trade-show style and offer a "one stop shop" for students to meet with diverse professionals.
  • Watching short career videos allows students to learn about different careers from professionals in various fields
  • Job site visits help students experience the work environment firsthand.  
  • College tours allow students to ask questions about which college majors relate to their interests and career aspirations.

The College and Career Center is a great resource for career planning and exploration resources. Students also meet with school counselors to discuss 4-year planning and college and career goals. Conversations about future planning occur in classrooms, among peers, and at home with parents and caretakers. 


Career Exploration Links


Job, Volunteer and Internship Links


Additional Resources

  • California Career Center Resources for community members with disabilities, foster youth, homeless/transient, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, migrant, military dependents, pregnant/parenting, probation/court school, special education, and undocumented.