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College Planning

The SRHS College and Career Center provides valuable services to students in the college planning process, including:

  • College advising
  • College application assistance
  • College representative visits
  • College field trips                                                                                                                       
  • College application workshops
  • Creating Your College List workshops
  • College Knowledge workshops                                                                                                     
  • College financial aid assistance

Enrolling in and attending college just doesn’t happen; it takes planning, collaboration, and discipline. Use this link to help plan out your 4 years at SRHS. 


2 Year Versus 4 Year Colleges

Many students choose to attend a community college after high school such as the SRJC. These colleges offer certificate programs (2 years or less to complete), Associates Degrees (approx. 2 years to complete), and Associates Degrees for Transfer (2 years to complete and eligibility to transfer to a 4 year school to complete a bachelor's degree).

The process to apply to college takes time and planning. Students looking to be A-G eligible and thus able to apply and be eligible to a four year college directly from SRHS, must fulfill certain criteria (see the A-G Requirements section). The criteria may include taking either the SAT ( or the ACT ( However, many colleges and universities have gone test optional or test blind. See the PSAT/SAT/ACT section of the website for more information.

When choosing a college for your future, do not forget that there are many colleges outside of the state of CA.  Some of these campus’ allow students to pay instate tuition fees so they are financially compatible with in state public universities.


Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state through the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program.

  • The WUE reduced tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Many institutions limit the number of new WUE awards each academic year, so apply early!
  • WICHE members include: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

For more Information on the WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange):


Common Application and Coalition Application

More than 900 colleges use the Common Application and more than 135 colleges use the Coalition Application for admission. These applications allow students to fill out a single application in order to apply to multiple colleges and universities. The UC and CSU schools do not use the Common or Coalition Applications.


Letters of Recommendation

Many schools require letters of recommendation for college admission. Typically, schools ask for two letters, which may come from teachers, counselors, employers, and/or mentor figures, depending on what the college requires. These letters attest to your character, both academically and personally. Establishing strong connections early in high school with a few teachers can make it easier to ask for letters of recommendation. Always avoid submitting letters of recommendation from family members.

You do not need a letter of recommendation when you apply to the SRJC, CSU system or UC system. However, a UC school may ask for letters of recommendation later in the admissions process as part of a supplemental review.

If you have received confirmation that you will be required to have a letter or recommendation from a counselor and/or teacher, below are the steps you should follow:

  • Give at LEAST 15 business days (holidays and weekends don't count) for a professional to write a letter of recommendation. Both counselors and teachers can deny writing a letter if you do not give them sufficient time. Plan accordingly.
  • If you need your counselor to write a letter of recommendation, you must first meet with them in person and discuss your request. Counselors use a specific resume for their students that can only be attained in person. Most schools require a letter of recommendation from your counselor.
  • If you are required to submit letters of recommendation from teachers, please speak to the teachers prior to placing them on your application. Teachers are not required to write letters of recommendation and it is a privilege if they decide to write one for you. Many teachers have their own process and resume which they would like you to fill out to assist them in writing your letter. If they do not, you can ask them if they would like you to fill out the sample resume.
  • If the college allows for it and you are asking someone outside of school to write a letter of recommendation, allow them plenty of time to write it (15 business days minimum) and ask them if they would like you to fill out the resume form to assist them in writing it.
  • REMEMBER to write a thank you note (not a text) to anyone who takes the time and puts in the effort to write you a letter of recommendation. Do not take these people for granted in your college application process- your admission to your dream college may depend on them!

SRHS Letter of Recommendation Request Form 


College Planning Resources

College Exploration
Resources for Undocumented Students
Resources for Student Athletes