Credit Recovery
If you fail classes needed to graduate, you will be considered "Credit deficient" and thus in need of making up those credits at some point. If Counselors can fit the needed classes into your 6 period day, that is our first option. This becomes more difficult if you have more than 1 class to make up.
Please see your Counselor and be as proactive as possible in making a plan with them to recover credits needed to graduate! Be prepared for us to tell you that your CURRENT CLASSES YOU ARE ENROLLED IN are always the priority. If you are succeeding in those classes then we can add more possibly.
Cyber High Credit Recovery
An online after school credit recovery option offered by SRCS. We also offer 2 periods a day for students to enroll in a Cyber class computer lab to get the work done. Per District Policy, a student can earn up to 40 online credits maximum per year. World Language, Science, and PE classes are not offered on Cyber High.
- See your Counselor for an application.
Summer School
Santa Rosa City schools offers a limited amount of classes and spaces in Summer School. Students typically can earn up to 10 credits over 8 weeks. Students must apply in the Spring. More info to come.
Ridgway Alternative High School
Students who are 16 or older can apply to attend Ridgway, a continuation school located behind our campus. The ideal student has good attendance, no major behavior incidents, and a certain minimum number of credits.
Santa Rosa Junior College
With Counselor approval, taking courses at the SRJC as a dual-enrollment student is another way to catch up on credits. These are college level courses therefore the expectations are higher and content more difficult. The plus to these classes is one semester at the JC typically equates to a year long course here.
Online courses
Students can earn credits through approved online courses such as BYU. There are fees associated with these courses.