Class Schedules
Class schedules for students are available in the Aeries Student and Parent Portals. Student schedules will be available via the parent portal on Aeries during the first week of August. We will not be printing and distributing schedules. Chromebooks will be available in the library during orientation and the first day of school for anyone who does not already have one. If an error on a schedule or a class needs to be removed because it was made up during summer school or through another accredited institution, please come to the counseling office during your orientation time. The following changes will NOT be made until after the first day of school: change of teacher, change of class periods, and adding a free period.
Student Store
Purchasing (Note: The Online Student Store will not be open until the first week of August.)
We are excited to announce our Online Student Store! On this website, you can purchase:
- Yearbook
- ASB Cards (Discounted or Free entrance to athletic events and student activities!)
- PE Clothes
- Bus Pass
You must create an account to purchase items in the online store. Once you create an account, you will need your student’s ID# to complete your ordering. Your student’s ID # is available on their Aeries portal. The business office will be open during orientation to make purchases as well.
Student Health and Medical Needs
The Health Office will be open on August 4th and 5th during orientation. If your student requires ANY medication at school (including OTC), please have a physician fill out the attached Medical Authorization Form - English / Spanish to allow for the dispensing of medications to your student through the Health Office during school hours. The Health Office will also check to ensure that all immunization records are up to date, all emergency cards are turned in, and all health testing is completed.