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Peer Counseling

Panthers Helping Panthers

The SRHS Counseling Department has Peer Counselors available for your support. The Peer Counseling program provides peer-to-peer support for students in areas including stress management, interpersonal relationships, transition to high school, and other issues that may impact school connectedness. Please speak to a teacher, Counselor, or Counseling office staff if you feel you would like to check with one of our amazing Peer Counselors. 


Characteristics/qualities to become a peer counselor?

  • 11th and/or  12th grade  student
  • Be  mature, insightful, empathic, able to maintain privacy, and are willing to learn about difficult issues that impact their peers within the school community.
  • Practice active listening by giving their complete attention to what someone is saying, and they respond without judgment.

Benefits of becoming a peer counselor?

  • Increase social and professional network.
  • Peer Counselors get the opportunity to develop skills that are essential in both academic and future careers.
  • Experience as a peer counselor demonstrates leadership qualities to future employers. Experience with peer Counseling shows that you have some knowledge about how to guide the academic and professional development of others.
  • Looks good on college Applications

Applications to become a peer counselor for next year will be offered to prospective candidates in the Spring Semester through an invitation from your Counselor.

