Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC)
Dual Enrollment: Taking Classes at the SRJC While in High School
SRHS is very fortunate that they happen to be located right next door to a nationally renowned Community College, Santa Rosa Junior College. Many students are able to access SRJC while they are still attending high school. These students are referred to as dual enrollment students. Dual enrollment students DO NOT have to pay any tuition while taking courses at SRJC (books and some fees are not included in waiver).
If a student wants to take a JC course, they should start by looking at the online SRJC course catalog: Once a course of interest is found, please check to make sure the course does not have a prerequisite that you need to fulfill to be eligible to take the class. Students must meet with or email their school counselor to receive their approval to take a JC class prior to filling out the dual enrollment form. Dual enrollment students planning on taking English at the JC MUST complete a guided self-placement test before registering for courses. The guided self-placement is available online and can be accomplished at home at the students’ own pace. You can receive guidance on choosing SRJC classes from your school counselor and Ms. Batchelder in the College and Career Center. Please note that all classes that a students takes at the JC will be added to their high school transcript automatically. The SRJC high school liaison for SRHS is Colleen Olmstead and you can also contact her with any questions of if you need assistance with anything related to the SRJC: You must also fill out the Off Campus & SRJC Dual Enrollment Agreement Form after you are registered for the JC course, but prior to starting the class at the SRJC (see link below).
- Step by Step SRJC Dual Enrollment Instructions
- SRJC Dual Enrollment Form
- Guided Self-Placement Information
- Off Campus & SRJC Dual Enrollment Agreement Form
Attending the SRJC After High School
There are SRJC "STEPS TO SUCCESS" that will help students make a smooth transition to the SRJC after graduation from high school. These steps will also set students up to receive the Doyle Scholarship and attend the SRJC free of tuition.
Applying to the SRJC
Prior to applying to the SRJC, it is highly recommended that seniors take Counseling 270 at the SRJC during the spring of their senior year. Counseling 270 is a 9 hour introduction to college course which helps students learn about the SRJC and plan their coursework. It also allows for students to have priority registration when signing up for JC classes which means that they can sign up for classes before other students. This is important as classes at the JC fill up quickly. Counseling 270 (or the online orientation class) is also a requirement in order to receive the SRJC Doyle Scholarship (see below for more information).
Affording the SRJC
SRJC for Free is the college's initiative to help students pursue their community college degree, tuition-free. And now it's available for a second year!
Santa Rosa Junior College believes that all students are entitled to higher education and is dedicated to providing students the opportunity to achieve their educational goals. To qualify, be sure to fill out your FAFSA or Dream Act application.
- First-time college students - regardless of financial need
- Second-year students are also now eligible if they were also eligible during their first year. It is not required that they received funding for the first year.
SRJC for Free recipients must:
- Be California residents or AB 540
- Be enrolled in 12 units
- Currently not receiving the California College Promise Grant
- Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA)
- Other restrictions may apply
Doyle Scholarship
In addition to the SRJC for Free, the Doyle Scholarship Program provides additional financial assistance to qualified local high school graduates who attend Santa Rosa Junior College. The Doyle Scholarship paired with the rigor and relevance of the courses, often makes SRJC the best choice for many people furthering their education. The Doyle Scholarship is available to students with an unweighted GPA of 2.0 and above. Students can receive up to $1,700/year, depending on the number of units that they take.
- Eligibility Requirements for the Doyle Scholarship
- SRJC Financial Aid Office
- SRJC Scholarship Office
- SRJC Cost of Attendance