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Study Tips

Many students, at some point in their academic life, struggle with one or more courses. There should be no shame in acknowledging this hurdle.  Though there is no silver bullet to cure academic struggles, there are tips and resources available that may help. 

  • Organization of backpack and binders
  • Use of the student planner (given free to each student in the Fall)
  • Use of weekly progress reports (available in the counseling office on Thursdays)
  • Communication with teachers via e mail or in person during break or before or after school
  • Use of the Home Access Center (HAC) to follow progress and grading
  • PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!!!! (don’t try to do your homework with your phone next to you)
  • DO NOT SLEEP WITH YOUR PHONE IN YOUR BEDROOM (turn off your phone by 9pm and place it in a charging station in a common room away from your bedroom, phones disrupt sleep patterns and make students groggy during the school day.)
  • Investigate one on one or group tutoring opportunities
  • DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!! (try to plan and prepare in advance so emergencies do not derail your success)
  • Get involved in extra curricular activities in the community or at SRHS (its proven the more involved a student is on their campus, the better they do academically and emotionally)
  • Attend classes every day on time and prepared.
  • Do not plan family trips during school days


Students, who attend SRJC as concurrent enrollment students, have access to the SRJC Tutorial Center on their campus.  This Resource is only available for SRJC Students!!!


Locations and Hours

US History, World History, Government and Economics Tutoring After School:

  • TBA

Biology, Living Earth, AP Biology and Chemistry Tutoring After School:

  • TBA

English Tutoring, All Grades, After School:

  • TBA

Math Tutoring After School:

  • TBA

Newcomer Lunch Tutoring:

  • TBA


One on One Tutors:

Some students need or desire a one on one relationship with tutors.  This option will not come FREE.  Often tutors range in price from 25 to 40 dollars an hour.  SRJC Math department has their own one on one tutorial list which SRHS publishes and distributes to interested families. Please see your Counselor for most updated list. 

A cheaper version of one on one tutoring is one on one Peer Tutoring.  Many SRHS students have mastered academic core areas and enjoy working with their peers in a tutorial relationship.  These sessions are usually an hour long and most of the time range between 10 to 15 dollars.  A list of potential peer tutors is located in the Counseling Office.

Many Private for profit companies also offer tutoring and organizational skills classes.  SRHS does not support or recommend any particular company and families are encouraged to do their own research and move forward at their own risk.


Online Tutoring:

Free 1-on-1 tutoring!! Up to 100 sessions per month. Help available form 1:00-10:00 pm. 

Set up your account. BARCODE: SRCS followed by ID# (ex: SRCS778954) PIN: Birth Year only (ex: 2005)