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English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

What is the main function of ELAC? 

Each California public school with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The purpose of the ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Learners. The District also has a District-wide committee called DELAC. Their schedule and information can be found here.

Source: CDE ELAC webpage.


The ELAC shall be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Advising the principal and staff in the development of a site plan for English learners and submitting the plan to the School Site Council for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan for Student Achievement.
  • Assisting in the development of the schoolwide needs assessment.
  • Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
  • Each ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Districts with 31 or more ELACs may use a system of proportional or regional representation.

Composition Requirements

Parents or guardians of English learners shall constitute at least the same percentage of the ELAC membership as their children represent of the student body.

Single School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students. California Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the ConApp and ESEA Program Improvement into the SPSA.

Instructions from the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) template state that school-specific goals related to the state and local priorities from the SPSA should be aligned and incorporated with the district’s LCAP. Furthermore, to facilitate alignment between school-site and district-level goals and actions, the LCAP should be shared with, and input requested from, school site-level advisory groups, as applicable.

Single School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (Updated 2024-2025) 


Comprehensive School Safety Plan(CSSP)

All California public schools kindergarten and grades one through twelve must develop a comprehensive school safety plan, per California Education Code sections 32280-32289

Comprehensive School Safety Plan (2024-2025) 

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