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Graduation Information

Class of 2025 Graduation


Graduation Date:

Friday, June 6th


6:00 PM, Gates open at 5:30 PM. Graduates must arrive by 5:00 PM at the SRHS Baseball field to line up for the graduation procession.


Nevers Field-SRHS


Graduation Practice

Mandatory Graduation Practice for all seniors participating in the June 7 graduation ceremony
  • Graduation Practice: June 6th, 1:30-3:24 PM, Seniors report to Nevers Field at 1:30 PM.
  • Graduation Practice and Senior Breakfast: On June 7th, Seniors report to Nevers Field no later than 8:30 am. for practice.
  • Graduation Rehearsal is from 9:30 am until the rehearsal is completed.
Mandatory Graduation Practices:

Seniors who do not attend BOTH graduation practices will not participate in the graduation ceremony. There will be NO exceptions. If you are not at practice, your name will not be called at graduation, and you will not have a seat on the field. If you have a question about graduation practices, please get in touch with Alexandra Dido in the Assistant Principal's Office.

Senior Slide Show and Senior Breakfast, June 6, 2025, 8:30 am

On June 6, 2025, the morning of Graduation, Seniors will meet in the Auditorium at 8:30 am for their Senior Slideshow, which their fellow ASB seniors put on. Students can submit content for the Senior Slide Show at After the slide show, Seniors will go to Nevers Field, near the Snack Bar, for the senior breakfast. It is a time for seniors to gather, enjoy breakfast, sign yearbooks, and be together. It is for all Santa Rosa seniors at no cost.


Graduation Tickets

Available in the Panther Business Office May 20-May 24

Seniors receive five tickets each. They can pick their tickets up from the Business Office on May 20-May 24, from 8:30 AM- 3:30 PM. Seniors must be off the LOP list to pick up their tickets. There is no “reservation” of seats for our graduation: it is first come/first-serve seating. There is a handicapped seating area on the track.  If a student does not need all five tickets, they can let us know so those tickets can be made available to someone else who would like to use them.

Additional Tickets: Three additional tickets per student may be purchased on May 28-29, 2025, for $10 each. 


Books and Materials Return Information - Please get your items returned to the Library
  • May 3 - Last day to check out library books and English Novels
  • May 8 - Last day of regular library services and hours
  • May 16 - All library books are due back to the SRHS Library
  • May 24 - Locker Cleanout 
  • June 6th is the last day for seniors to turn in books and their Chromebooks and pay fines. Students can log in to their SRHS Library account and view books checked out to them and their account using this LINK.


Graduate Regalia 

Black Graduation Cap and Gown are Required

Graduate Regalia (Cap, Gown, & Tassel) are required for participation in the graduation ceremony. Students are required to follow the SRHS dress code under graduation gowns. 

If you need assistance, please get in touch with SRHS Business Office at 707-890-3850 x 6 or email Wendy Albarran at


Dress Code - Graduate Regalia Guidelines for Add-Ons

Graduation is considered an extracurricular activity, and students are not mandated to participate in the ceremony, nor are students guaranteed participation if expectations for participation and behavior are not met. The Santa Rosa Administration reserves the right to disallow anything not considered appropriate for the commencement ceremony. If the disallowed items worn by a student cannot be removed from the cap for the ceremony, you will not have a graduation cap to wear for the ceremony. Inappropriate attire or behavior may lead to ejection from participation in the ceremony. 


Not allowed
  • Gowns may not be altered unless changing the gown's length fits the student's height. Graduation gowns cannot be shorter than mid-calf length. 
  • Caps may be decorated with appropriate school designs reflecting each graduate. Please review the policy on decorating caps below. 
  • Cords, Stoles & Sashes related to a student’s academic and extra-curricular achievements at Santa Rosa High School are allowed. 
Graduation Cap Decoration Guidelines

It is appropriate to put the following on your cap:

  • Thank someone in your life (family, friend, or another appropriate person)
  • Recognize the university, JC, CSU, or trade school you will be attending
  • Your graduation year
  • The branch of the military you will be joining
  • An appropriate quote
  • Your intended career plans

If you decorate your graduation cap, consider the following information:

  • It cannot contain any advertisement, symbols, abbreviations, initials, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that: Refer to drugs or controlled substances, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, or sexualized graphic, and the administration will determine this.
  • It cannot denote an affiliation with gangs or groups or individuals who advocate or are associated with drug use, violence, illegal activity, or disruptive behavior that is detrimental to the safety and welfare of others. The administration will determine this if we don’t know what it means or if it means possibly anything that is considered questionable it will not be allowed.
  • It cannot be obscene, profane, vulgar, or lewd, and the administration will determine this;  it will not be allowed.
  • It cannot include numbers or Roman numerals other than the graduation year. 2023.
  • It cannot make noise. No bells, horns, or anything that makes noise
  • Only the flat, top area of the mortarboard may be decorated. Nothing can rise above or hang down from any part of the cap.


Graduation Ceremony Pictures and Videos

Pictures: Photographers will photograph students receiving their diploma cover during the ceremony. Information on purchasing pictures of that moment will be shared before the ceremony. All graduates will be photographed during the ceremony.

Livestream: The ceremony will be recorded and live-streamed on the Santa Rosa High School Youtube Channel. In addition, a highlights video will also be created and shared free of charge with families and graduates. Live Video Production & Streaming services provided SRHS Digital Arts.


Diploma Pick Up

June 10-21, 2025, Monday-Friday in the SRHS Counseling Office

Students do not receive their diplomas as they walk across the stage and are given a diploma holder. All diplomas issued by Santa Rosa High School are inscribed with the legal name of each student as it appears in the school’s data system.  Diplomas will be available for pick-up starting Monday, June 12-23 (the 19th is a holiday), or after August 1 from 9-12 or 1-2:30 pm in the Santa Rosa High School Counseling Office. Students must show a picture ID (an ID picture on the phone is acceptable) to pick up their diploma.

Online Transcript Requests


ProjectGrad Tickets 

Thank you to our SRHS Project Grad Team and the Panther Foundation for all they do to support the Class of 2025!

The Party is ON!  - Santa Rosa High School Project Grad is excited to announce that we will host our full-blown Safe and Sober graduation party for all Class of 2023 Seniors. The party will open immediately after graduation and will finish at 3 am. The Project Grad team is purchasing thousands of dollars in prizes, reserving entertainers and food and drink vendors, and planning a special event for your 2023 seniors. Please look for more information, but here are some essential points to remember. We aim to keep your child safe on graduation night by providing an engaging and memorable event. Your child will not be able to leave the event early, and we don’t think they will want to with the plans we have in place.


The party will start immediately after graduation (June 7, 8:00 PM to 3:00 AM) on the SRHS campus. Please remember this as you think about family activities on graduation day. Students will not be allowed to enter after 10 pm. Registration packets will be required with ticket purchases (also on the ProjectGrad website).

$85- Purchase between May 1- 31st

$100- Purchase after June 1st

Please click here to fill out the registration form


Senior Yard Signs are Available for Purchase in the Santa Rosa High Student Store!

To help fund our party, we will sell Senior Yard signs for $25. These will all be done by pre-order. Yard signs will be available in mid-April. Please use the following link for project grad to preorder your Senior Yard Sign. 


Visit the SRHS Project Grad Website to register your student for the party, volunteer to help, and purchase a Senior Yard Sign for the Class of 2025.    


Follow us on Instagram!  santarosa_projectgrad

Questions? Email, not Santa Rosa High School.