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District Resources

Additional resources can be found by going to the District website. They have a resource page that has links to all of their various district wide programs.

Parent  Resources

Uniform Complaint Procedures

Student Teacher Parent Organization

Get Involved!

The Student, Parent, Teacher Organization (STP) provides volunteers and/or food for Student Orientation, Teacher Appreciation Luncheons, dances, Go Green Day campus clean up, Senior Awards, Senior Breakfast, Project Graduation and more! The STP also provides monetary assistance to programs and activities, such as; field trips, Debate Team, school newspaper, and more. 

Meetings:  1st Thursday of the month from 6:30-7:30 PM


Stay Informed

Panther Parent Weekly Newsletter

Are you signed up to get the weekly newsletter and important updates?  If not, you may be missing out on important information about happenings at our school. Click here for more information and to register.

  • Click HERE for the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
  • Click HERE for the Title 1 Parent Compact.


Parent Information Handbook

Click the links below for the official parent information handbook in either English and Spanish.

Parent Information Handbook

Para los Padres de Familia - Espanol

Program Specific Parent Organizations

Project Grad



SRHS’s Project Graduation is an all-night party for the entire Santa Rosa High School Senior Class. It is an amazing, fun, safe and sober way to celebrate on graduation night.  Santa Rosa High School campus is transformed into a variety of party themed areas to keep the fun going all night long. The party begins right after the graduation ceremony and continues until 4am the next morning. This event is made possible by the generous support and involvement from our Santa Rosa High School Parents, Community Organizations and Local Businesses. Sonoma County Project Graduation was founded in 1987 in response to increasing drug and alcohol use among students on their graduation night – statistically the most dangerous night of the year for young people.  Inspired by an alcohol and drug free party thrown by Sonoma Valley High School, the very first Project Grad was organized for five Santa Rosa schools by a group that included CHP officers, MADD members, 4H representatives, and other community leaders.  Since then, the efforts have spread from the Santa Rosa district to eighteen schools across Sonoma County.


SRHS Foundation


Established in 1988 as a non-profit public benefit corporation and organized under California law, the Foundation maintains a threefold mission:

  • To preserve and document SRHS history and traditions
  • To provide financial support for SRHS
  • To promote community involvement in SRHS activities.

The Foundation stewards a Permanent Endowment Fund in excess of $500,000 and growing through the One Thousand Panther Campaign currently under way. Memorial donations, Scholarship funds, cash and other financial bequests also contribute to this fund. Endowment funds are distributed annually as directed by the donor or estate. In addition the Foundation awards over a dozen scholarships each year to worthy seniors totaling over $15,000.

In addition to funding faculty and staff projects, the Foundation sponsors the Student of the Month Luncheon, a program in which faculty members recommend outstanding students. Foundation representatives honor the selected students at a luncheon. In late spring, the students and their families are recognized again at a formal dinner.

Each year the Foundation hosts a Crab Feed, the always sold out Polenta Dinner, and the Fall Golf Tournament as well as Author’s Nights, Alumni sporting events and other social events. The Foundation also supports SRHS Class Reunions. We offer tours to reunion groups as well as assisting with BBQs.  Contact us to learn more!


Panther Athletic Club


The Panther Athletic Club is up and running! We are a new organization with a familiar name. Santa Rosa High School will again enjoy the benefits of a school wide athletic booster program. PAC is an independent 501(c)(3) organization. Our Board is made up of a cross section of school officials, Foundation Board Members and interested parties from within the SRHS community.

PAC is designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Enhance the athletic and academic experience of every student athlete
  • Provide gap funding for equipment to provide for the safe and effective operation of Athletics
  • Provide funds for uniforms, equipment, and facilities upgrades
  • Provide support for every coach to allow maximum time for coaching and mentoring of our student athletes
  • Facilitate fundraising by providing structure and support for events
  • Maintain bank accounts for team funds
  • Improve the fan experience at games and improve attendance at ALL athletic events


Dance Boosters


The Santa Rosa High School Dance Boosters is a parent, community and alumni non-profit organization with the mission to support the Santa Rosa High School ArtQuest Dance program and its students. The boosters will support the students by providing financial and volunteer support and by working as a liaison between parents, faculty, students and the general public for the best interests of the ArtQuest dance program.