Work Permits
- Please be sure the following areas are filled out completely and signed.
- Minor Information(Please enter your social security # WITHOUT the dashes so Google will allow the email to go thru)
- Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
- Employer Information
- Email completed permit back to:
- (Aug-May) Dallas Johnson
- (JUN & JUL) Deby Marvel at
- A work permit will be issued and emailed back to you. Because of the current circumstances, it may take a few days before you receive your permit.
Note to users: Do not complete Work Permits Forms in Kami. This app may save your personal data and it may be accessible to others who access the form at a later time and are using Kami in our domain.
Work Permit Form Directions: To complete a Work Permit Form, please download and save the PDF to your device. Next, fill out the required information in the PDF form and save it. Then send the form via email or print the document and submit it to the Main Office. If you have questions please contact the SRHS Main Office. Hard copies of Work Permit Forms are available in the Main Office.
All minors under age 18 (unless a high school graduate or equivalent), including minors employed by parents, (Ed.C. 49141) must have a work permit. Applications are available at the Main Office at SRHS and during the summer, they can be found at the Santa Rosa City Schools District Office. All Work Permits expire five (5) days after school starts and must be re-issued at the start of each school year or at the time the student obtains a new job. Work Permits are required all year, not just when school is in session. It serves as an age certificate and states the maximum hours a minor may work based on their age (Ed. C. 49160).
Hours Minors are Allowed to Work
Ages 14-15 (School In Session)
- 3 hours max. per day/18 hours per week.
- 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Ages 14-15 (Summer):
- 8 hours max. per day/40 hours per week.
- 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Ages 16-17 (School In Session):
- 4 hours max. per day/Mon.-Thurs.
- 8 hours max. per day/Fri.-Sun.
- 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- 5 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. if no school next day.
Ages 16-17 (Summer):
- 8 hours max. per day/40 hours per week.
- 5 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Ages 16-17 (School In Session):
- Enrolled in Work Experience.
- 6 hours max. per day/Mon.-Thurs.
- 8 hours max. per day/Fri.-Sun. 40 hours total per week
- 5 a.m. - 10 p.m. (12:30 a.m. on days preceding a non school day).
For more information on work permits, visit the following website: Information on Minors and Employment